These were one of my favourite plants in the First Touch Garden (did I mention it won Gold?!!)
It was hard to leave tonight knowing I won't see the garden again that has been so loved by everyone that has seen it, and means so much to those of us connected with the NNU at St Georges'
@nicolaeastwood it's been 8 and strong winds rain + grey skies in the Nth East all day some Spring : you would be delirious at the sight of the sun it's almost become a distant memory :-)
Really a great shot the colors compliment so well the bright green is so wonderful lighting up the background, while the flowers just stretch bend and dance for us.
Didn't see this - lovely seed heads. It was nice to meet you. It must be strange coming down after Chelsea. I only ever go for a couple of hours but find that it keeps me on a high for days afterwards. Being totally immersed in it, even if the weather was grotty, must make it very difficult to leave.
@gailmmeek it's a Geum, little bell like flowers...... Thank you