Fairy Garden by onewing

Fairy Garden

Thanks to all our recent rain the fairies have moved in at the bottom of the garden.

Haven't actually seen any yet but their houses look quite nice.
Cool looking mushrooms
March 13th, 2022  
That is a whole town! Keep looking for the fairies Babs :)
March 13th, 2022  
Looks a bit like my back yard except my grass is 50 times taller than yours
March 13th, 2022  
What a lovely way to look at fungi.
March 13th, 2022  
Your stories are so much fun! Like the photo too!
March 13th, 2022  
I'm sure they will be there somewhere.
March 13th, 2022  
Nice shot
March 13th, 2022  
How lovely, one seems to have move out already, Funny, we have had so much rain, but no fungi is growing here in our garden.
March 13th, 2022  
Ha! We call it "devil's circles"
March 13th, 2022  
Looks like the mushrooms are leaving a trail! :)
March 13th, 2022  
Nice shot
March 13th, 2022  
Fun and mischief in your garden.
March 13th, 2022  
Ha - not very substantially built -- one has fallen over already - !! Hope the fairies are safe -- perhaps moved to a more salubrious property !!- keep searching Babs !
March 13th, 2022  
I hope your wishes are coming true!
March 13th, 2022  
Such a beautiful trail of mushrooms here Babs,,
March 13th, 2022  
That is quite a town betting built.
March 13th, 2022  
Don’t step in the middle of that witches/ fairy ring no way of knowing where you end up…..
March 13th, 2022  
Quite a nice community.
March 13th, 2022  
I love mushrooms
March 13th, 2022  
They look like spinning tops
March 13th, 2022  
Here's to hoping the fairies find their new homes.
March 13th, 2022  
Well spotted and a cool shot.
March 13th, 2022  
A lovely shot of these fungi!

March 13th, 2022  
Well they are almost in a ring! Nice shot.
March 13th, 2022  
What a nice leading-line of 'rooms. Must be a multi-plex.
March 13th, 2022  
A lovely find and capture
March 13th, 2022  
They love in flats then? Single story flats on stilts….seriously that a lovely fairy ring.
March 13th, 2022  
March 13th, 2022  
It's a whole city of cuties!
I hope you survived all the rain and floods in one piece?
March 13th, 2022  
Lovely image well spotted Babs:)
March 13th, 2022  
A great find and beautiful capture.
March 13th, 2022  
My goodness- they've established quite the condo complex!
March 14th, 2022  
Wow that looks like a town of mushroom!
March 14th, 2022  
Love the story with your photo.
March 14th, 2022  
Nice capture. Mushrooms everywhere.
March 15th, 2022  
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