Every time we go to Newcastle, this scene looks sadder. First the rail line to Newcastle closed and protesters were hopeful that the line would be restored, but now the rail line has been removed altogether.
I have no idea what is going to happen to the station, but I hope it is used as a museum. We will have to wait and see.
Lovely image and composition Babs telling a sad story, we also have thieves here that steel disused railway track, really hope the buildings at the very least survive:)
Every time I see your Newcastle I think of the Newcastle in the North of England. They have a very grand station there. We used to live near there many years ago in our youth. I'm sorry to hear about the demise of your station.
@888rachel I hope they keep the train route boards too. David would love them. They had similar boards at Broadmeadow station and now they have new high tech ones. Don't know what happened to the old ones there though.
@onewing Possibly will not be that much of a problem Babs, Our experience with the new light rail/trams in UK cities tend not to need to many road/rail barriers, they use electronic controlled light signalling its up to the road traffic to stop and its much quick than barriers, lights change as soon as the train/tram has go over the junction:)