Smartie House  by onewing

Smartie House

You have all heard of the gingerbread house, well now we have the Smartie house.

I feel this isolation is getting to me. ha ha.

Do you remember drawing pictures like this when you were in primary school? I think I am entering my second childhood. Either that or I am ready to qualify for the funny farm.

I really need to get out more even if it is only for a walk on our local beach. Haven't been more than 5 km from home for over 2 months now.

Very cute!
May 9th, 2020  
I would like to live in that one ;-)
May 9th, 2020  
I think lockdown is bringing out your creativity! Nicely done. Fav for your patience.
May 9th, 2020  
If you eat the door can you still get in?
May 9th, 2020  
I am now singing the theme tune to Play School and looking for Little Ted and Hamble......your Smarties pictures are so much fun. Love art you can eat!
May 9th, 2020  
This is the house that Babs built, This is the.....
BTW Today, I saw my first human for a week. Face time once and some nice phone calls helped a lot.
May 9th, 2020  
Simple yet very clever idea Babs I suspect its full of smart-ie technology:)
May 9th, 2020  
how many smarties does it take to build a house :)
May 9th, 2020  
Lovely use of those Smarties. Keeps you back from swallowing them down in a jiffy. Lovely colours. I have convinced my wife to come for a walk with me every morning for just 20 minutes, will increase the distance every day. I go again in the afternoon by myself and at increased speed.
May 9th, 2020  
I do remember drawing this as a kid! You need some Matchmakers now to make stick people.
May 9th, 2020  
Yes, this reminds me of house drawing as a kid. You are certainly getting your moneys worth from these smarties
May 9th, 2020  
nice photo, my grandchildrn are drawing this house, as I drew it as child......good memories
May 9th, 2020  
Ha ! a great composition and capture Just like the ones we drew as children , except my house had little beds of flowers under each window ! !!
May 9th, 2020  
Your smarties series is such fun.
May 9th, 2020  
I love your house!! Great shot.
May 9th, 2020  
I agree with Sally, can’t wait for your next creation!
May 9th, 2020  
creative, now you can only eat them one at a time
May 9th, 2020  
Love your smarties series.
May 9th, 2020  
Such a fun and creative shot.
May 9th, 2020  
Great fun!!
May 9th, 2020  
These Smartie creations are great fun! In the 1980s I used to plan Smartie production for Rowntrees, so this brings back some super memories for me. Fav!

May 9th, 2020  
The perfect child’s house made of the perfect child’s treat!
May 9th, 2020  
A super fun shot
May 9th, 2020  
What a fun idea, creating scenes with candies. Each picture is definitely going to take some time to create; but hey, that's what we do for the sake of art.
May 9th, 2020  
@casablanca reminded me of Play School too!
May 9th, 2020  
Sweet. That`s sure.
Great idea , made and capture.
May 9th, 2020  
No, you're not ready for the funny farm but you are just enjoying the art of letting your inner child express herself through your photography. (o: This is very cute!
May 9th, 2020  
cute house!
May 10th, 2020  
Keep going. You have an audience here that probably needs some new creative ideas.
May 10th, 2020  
So creative! Reading your comments made me smile
May 10th, 2020  
So cute! It reminds me of light bright. You put the little pegs in to make a picture.
May 10th, 2020  
@loweygrace @ludwigsdiana @dide @pcoulson @kjarn @santina @beryl @salza @kwind @sprphotos @rontu @gijsje @mittens @craftymeg @happypat @carolmw @lyndemc @pyrrhula @olivetreeann @radiogirl @tunia @lynnz thanks, glad my Smartie house made you smile and brought back memories of childhood. I don't seem to have left my childhood behind.

@pusspup Ha ha, no you can't get in if you eat the door it just completely collapsed like the little pigs house.

@casablanca @carole_sandford With so many memories of Play School and Blue Peter it is no wonder I didn't leave my childhood behind.

@ethelperry So glad you were able to see a real human again, were you able to have a chat. It must be very lonely being on your own and not able to catch up with family.

@koalagardens Lots

@sangwann Glad you are able to convince your wife to go out for walks with you.

@pattyblue Better not buy Matchmakers to make stick people, I am still wading my way through Smarties.

@fishers Maybe if I wrote to Rowntree they would use my creations in their advertising.

@mzzhope Yes I remember the little pegs to make pictures. I used to love playing with those when I was a child. That is probably where I got the idea from deep in my memory.
May 10th, 2020  
I love it!
May 10th, 2020  
A Smartie house?? For smarty-pantses?
May 10th, 2020  
I hadn't realised it was such a big project - so many smarty images - so many yummy little snacks!!
May 10th, 2020  
maybe you should create a beach scene?
May 10th, 2020  
@golftragic Maybe I should create some Smartie pants, ha ha

@robz I had a fun time

@helenhall Never thought of a beach scene. Maybe when I buy more smarties I will give it a go.

@stray_shooter It was fun eating them too.
May 11th, 2020  
Great idea, nothing like bright colours to help one's mood.
May 11th, 2020  
What fun! Love them!
May 13th, 2020  
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