The boys in the garden today. There have been a few groups of people wandering past on their way to the beach - I wonder do they live in the valley? The highlight of the day was two young women on horses trotting past, then turning round and trotting back up the valley. Luckily the boys were indoors but they heard the noise of the hooves and started barking madly. I am not sure what they would have done had they been in the garden!!
I am sure that by now you can tell which one is which. Guess who has the dirtiest face? LOL!
@onewing the boys are fine when outside in the garden or out for a walk. Indoors however George is so naughty and takes one look at Finlay and goes for the attack! They don’t actually come to blows but the noise is awful! I think they are still trying to decide who is in charge! Naughty boys! Lol!