It's all about the heart by pandorasecho

It's all about the heart

My granddaughter was blessed with the hand me down doll collection after one of her Dad's coworker's daughter decided she had outgrown them. One doll came with a snowboard, wheel chair, cast for her leg and crutches, but the wheelchair had no seat anymore.

I am working in a class with severely handicapped students, three in wheelchairs, so when I asked my assistant, an older lady who supplements her activities with sewing projects, if she could make a cushion for the seat, she agreed, but knew what real wheelchairs look like and went above and beyond. She made a leatherish chair, and a purple furry cushion, and then in an odd serendipity, she found a scrap of silk brocade she had used to sew me a bag from silk I had bought in China in 1987 to give my sister in law, the sister in law died hiking the Grand Canyon in 2007 and I got the silk back, and that year I was also working with this woman. She had made it into a music bag for my husband, sewing it in another house 3 hours drive away, but when making this toy for my granddaughter, the scrap turned up in this house to become a pillow from great aunt April who never got to meet Daisy, but shared her birth month.
so cool. (and the concept of a snowboarder doll then needing a wheelchair is sort of funny)
October 13th, 2016  
It's really quite interesting how those kinds of stories come about- and how they tie generations together. I also find it rather funny that the doll comes with a wheel chair, crutches and cast! I guess American Girl is trying to send a message to potential snow boarders- be careful!
October 13th, 2016  
Interesting collage. Nicely done.
October 15th, 2016  
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