So life with a two year old
She had a cold last week and the Vicks seemed to help but none of the stores had the cherry chest rub my kids used. I found it online and ordered it, and used it on her yesterday
Today she sang in the car, "we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and you can't drive around with a tiger in your car but you can be happy if you've a mind to it." Over and over she sang those words all the way home.
At the house she helped me feed our parrots and the goldfish and then cuddled up in the chair with our cat, "I love you Rocky boy boy" and wanted to sit there while I hauled up a load of firewood. But when I got back in the house, her hand and Rocky's head were thickly slathered in cherry chest rub. He also had a pink bracelet around his neck, and he was purring.
Later on, "Here Grandpa, I can't see this in the dark" and she handed Greg one piece after another of my signed time sheet.