Darn It...It's Accurate   by peggysirk

Darn It...It's Accurate

I've been making a good effort to eat less/work out more recently, but seem to be gaining rather than losing weight. When the scales showed another pound gained this morning I was hoping my fifteen year old scales were at fault. So, I did a test with a set of hand weights. Sadly, the results show that I seem to be the one at fault. Ugh! :(

Three Good Things:
1. Lunch (salad - with a simple balsamic vinaigrette) with a friend
2. Beautiful Alaskan salmon from Fresh Market to grill for dinner
3. Good customer service
Ah yes but Joe Wicks our 'Body Coach' guru who is all the rage in the UK says you must keep off the 'step of shame' because it won't tell you anything about changes in body composition or shape. Obviously I'm on it twice a day....
January 26th, 2016  
@judithg That's exactly what I used to tell my personal training clients, Judith. But that was back in the day I weighed considerably less than I do in my current role as a 'softly composed' grandmother. I'll claim the shame. It inspires me. ☺
January 26th, 2016  
@peggysirk @judithg (chuckling...) I just returned from the doctor's office and no one flinched when I said I was stepping on the scale backward... I am *so done* with a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, and obsession with the number on the scale! Do I look fabulous? Not much, but my clothes have fit comfortably for 5+ years now, so I think I've discovered who I was meant to be!

OK...that was a self-centered rant! Sorry about that! Anymore I just try to do the best I can to maintain good health... Good luck to the both of you *staying healthy* as well!
January 26th, 2016  
@Weezilou I hear you, Louise. And I agree that we can be obsessed with dieting. The focus should always be on health and not a number on a scale. I've not been as health conscious as I should be lately and have refocused on a healthy eating and fitness regimen. As one with RA it really makes a difference in my overall state of being. I've done some backsliding on both counts and my immune system is letting me know. Not going for skinny jeans...just getting inflammation under control. But it does frustrate me a bit that cutting out extra sugar and high calorie carbs, and getting to the gym more often isn't making an immediate difference on the numbers front. ☺
January 27th, 2016  
I must say, dieting is a lifelong journey and sometimes it gets real old. I have battled ups and downs all my life and I can see it coming, one day I will say, I am what I am and I will eat what I want.
January 27th, 2016  
Then how about the old Weight Watchers admonition to help us stay the course...
Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're doing everything you should, you're on the right course!

I'm cheering you on! You're adorable to start with, and you'll soon be more adorable than ever!
January 27th, 2016  
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