100 Strangers : No. 43 : Mike by phil_howcroft

100 Strangers : No. 43 : Mike

Well this is a first for me. A stranger asking me to take their photo.

This was shot at the Nottingham Carnival.

I was photographing Margaret (my next stranger in the series) and exchanging email addresses, when I caught a glimpse of Mike out of the corner of the eye, waving from behind the little wall separating the road where I was stood with Margaret and the pathway where Mike was stood.

"Do you know him Margaret ? I think he is waving at you"

"No I don't"

"Oh Right"

"I think it;s you"

So I do a very Peter Kay type move and point at myself with my finger and mouth "Me"

"Yes" nods Mike

So I walk over to Mike

"Will you photograph me please?"

I was quite taken aback

"Yes of course"

I thought Mike had the air of an official from the Carnival in his striking Jamaican hat and jacket.

"Are you an official of the Carnival or a volunteer"

"No, I am a youth worker, I am just here for the Carnival"

Mike then poses with his whistle and hands and I take a few shots and some head and shoulder shots.

I explain to Mike my strangers project and he said it would be OK to post his image online.

Mike gave me his email address and his name, MC Parker Funmaster

I googled Mike and he is a Family and Children's entertainer based in Nottingham.

I promised to email Mike some pics (I have just sent some). so I hope he likes them

As a footnote to my narrative above, I have just received a really nice email from Mike regarding the photos I emailed him. It is a nice addendum to Mike's story albeit a little sad too. Mike's response read...

"Hi Phil,

Nice one. Lovely photos

Just to add to the story. My dad lives opposite the embankment near where you took the photos.

What the photo hides, is pain or tears of a clown, as moments before i had just left my dad with same smile on his face but fighting Cancer.

He was happy to hear the Carnival passing by.

It was a joy for me too to watch the spectacle of the carnival.

A smile for the camera can be deceiving.

If you google BAM awards Nottingham home page, you will see a picture of me as Nottingham Dad of the year 2012.

So i don't mind people using my picture when it's in a good way"

I am sure you will agree, that was a nice email from Mike and for those of you not aware BAM is Black Achieving Men Awards


This picture is number 43 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

100 Strangers Flickr Group page


My own strangers can be seen here:

So much you hardly ever know behind people's brave faces! Mike looks such a happy person without a care in the world! So nice of him to get in touch & fill you in re his story. I thought at first you were getting famous as the photo guy that takes people's photos! Great photo!
August 24th, 2016  
@happypat thanks Pat, it is nice when the stranger likes their shots :)
August 24th, 2016  
Well you certainly meet some very interesting strangers. And what a sad story behind the face.
August 24th, 2016  
Love the red whistle...and smile :)
August 25th, 2016  
A happy-looking and vibrant photo and the story behind it could not be guessed from Mike's brave smile. I've only once had a stranger invite me to take his photo and that also had sad undertones as he was homeless, selling the Big Issue, living in his car. Yesterday I did have a stranger happy to have his portrait taken but not willing to share any info about himself - that's a first.
August 25th, 2016  
Awesome shot
August 25th, 2016  
Thid is one of your best storirs yet, Phil, even if sad for Mike. He has duch a lovely smile. Superb capture. At 16C we would be wearing woollens here.
August 25th, 2016  
a great photo and story Phil - lovely you and Mike could share this
August 26th, 2016  
Superb and touching, Phil.
August 27th, 2016  
This must be one of your best 'Strangers' so far, Phil.
August 27th, 2016  
@irisr thanks jacqui, it was an unexpected stranger shot with Mike approaching me :)

@sketch2 cheers dave

@sangwann thanks for your kind words dione , yes a good story

@annied thanks annie :)

@kerristephens thanks kerri

@quietpurplehaze thanks haze, i remember your homeless stranger

@ivan thanks ivan

@busylady thank you judith for your nice comment
August 27th, 2016  
Very moving and a superb photo too.
September 4th, 2016  
Fabulous stranger shot ,wonderful smile
November 11th, 2016  
This was posted during one of my lengthier absences from the site and I didn't see it.
A lovely image, Phil and a story that is warming but so sad. What a man! You'd never guess at the heartbreak behind that smile.
November 11th, 2016  
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