100 Strangers : Round 3 : No. 225 : Lydia by phil_howcroft

100 Strangers : Round 3 : No. 225 : Lydia

My wife noticed that there was a “plant giveaway” at Saint Leodegarius Church in Old Basford on Sunday afternoon. We thought it might be a good place to visit and after lunch we drove around the Ring Road to visit the church.

It is a beautiful old church, in a very urban setting. The Ring Road, River Leen, Tramline and Railway line are all in close proximity to it’s large gardens and grounds.

When we parked outside the church we were greeted at the gate by Lydia, the vicar of the church. Lydia welcomed us to the church and asked us to wait by the steps for a few moments as it was busy with people collecting plants and Lydia wanted to maintain social distancing in the ‘plant area’. We had a little chat with her, she was very enthusiastic and had only been vicar of the church for a few months. She’d joined in the middle of a pandemic, so had not been able to open the church to her congregation. She said she was hoping the church could open in the New Year. Her previous church was in West London. I told Lydia I used to work in Old Basford and regularly walked past her church on my lunchtime walk.

She then told us we could enter the grounds to collect some plants. We got two Rhubarb plants (one for my daughter and one for us), a little Pine tree and a couple of bushes. As we walked around the the grounds I told my wife I was going to ask Lydia to be one of my strangers, “Let me get in the car first” she said !!!

Anyway as we left we thanked Lydia for the plants and put them in the car boot. I then returned to the church entrance and asked Lydia if she would be one of my strangers. Lydia agreed straight away and asked me if I wanted her to wear her face mask? I suggested “without mask” as I think they hide too much about a persons personality. I was glad I suggested “no mask” as Lydia had a warm smile for the camera.

As we discussed the “strangers project”, Lydia suggested it might be a nice lecture to present at a church social. She also suggested we might collaborate on a project about people of Old Basford in the church. I told her I would be pleased to collaborate on a project with her.

As for the photo of Lydia, I shot it with my Sony A6000 and the Sony 50mm f1.8 lens. The backdrop of the church and Lydia’s clerical collar help tell the story of the meeting.

Thanks for being stranger number 225 Lydia, it was great to meet you and the plants have two loving homes.

Note this is my 3rd vicar in my strangers project
To find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page


My own strangers can be seen here:

I would be with Jane...I laughed when I read that! Vicar’s get younger & better looking each day! A lovely photo. Can I ask you was there any outcome of the competition you entered with your other Vicar photo? That one was a cracker!
August 17th, 2020  
You must immediately put people at ease Phil, love how they open up to you so readily. The project collaboration sounds an excellent idea!
August 17th, 2020  
@happypat hi Pat, thanks for your comment and yes Lydia was young and very stylish in her dress sense too ... gold training shoes. The National Portrait Gallery Competition results are not out yet ...so I am still in with a chance...although with 35,000 entries and only 100 acceptances my chances are slim. The results are meant to be out in August , so it should be results day soon :)

@fbailey Felicity, I've not heard from Lydia yet , I hope she gets in contact though :) ...good pic though isn;t it :)
August 17th, 2020  
She looks a lovely person, a very genuine smile. Had to laugh at your wife legging it back to the car first! Brilliant
August 17th, 2020  
Such an interesting narrative Phil, and nice portrait
August 17th, 2020  
I think you probably need to be a diplomat, Phil! You just get along with these strangers like they're old friends and you tell your story so well. This is a lovely portrait of Lydia!
August 18th, 2020  
Great portrait of Lydia who has a nice warm smile !
Love your project... I hope you will do it ! Your portraits are always very positive and that is just what our communities need in these hard time !
August 18th, 2020  
surprising how very accomodating most people are when you as for a photo! I am wondering if the way people are clothed and what they do make a more interesting documentary photo. I think it certainly helps the visual story. she appears to be a very friendly person even without the collar. keep going. I love to hear the stories behind the photos.
August 18th, 2020  
Her bright and happy face took my eye!
August 18th, 2020  
Lovely capture of a beautiful lady
August 18th, 2020  
I specially like the contrast of Lydia's bright clothes and the more sombre background. It sounds to have been a fruitful meeting with possibilities of future activities. Congrats for all your strangers' work, Phil. Fav for this one. (Mine progress at a snail's pace now!)
August 18th, 2020  
Sounds a very interesting project on old basford. Lovely portrait
August 18th, 2020  
she has a beautiful smile
August 18th, 2020  
Beautiful portrait and Lydia has a nice friendly smile. So your next project will be at this church. Could add some more interesting persons for your 100 strabgers.
August 18th, 2020  
this is such a lovely stranger portrait - as with most, she looks so relaxed and trusting in your company. I hope your project comes off.
August 18th, 2020  
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