Wild (Tame) Robin Redbreast by phil_sandford

Wild (Tame) Robin Redbreast

Took the Granddaughters to Whisby Nature Park in Lincoln this afternoon; the aim was to tire them out so that they sleep tonight.
Half way around, this little chap appeared. He has to be the tamest wild Robin I’ve ever seen. He flitted around us, almost posing on branches, the bench, the fence and various trees. We managed to get so close to him; I swear that if I had had a pocket of mealworms, he would have been eating out of my hand.
Took loads of pictures of him; this is in my opinion the best
Beautiful robin PHIL !
December 29th, 2016  
So totally gorgeous!
December 29th, 2016  
He's lovely.normally they flit off don't they...how great to see a confident tame one..he obviously loves having his photo taken!
December 29th, 2016  
@brennieb Brenda, I swear he was posing for me. Flitting from one thing to another and staring me down. Have never seen anything like it.
December 29th, 2016  
@beryl @cottiac Thanks both, he was gorgeous and so so friendly (wasn't even bothered by a 5yo and 3yo who din't understand "shush" 😃
December 29th, 2016  
Great capture. We have one that visits but always fly's off if I dare to pick the camera up.
December 29th, 2016  
FAVtastic :)
December 29th, 2016  
@phil_sandford Haha! Think I would have been tempted to pocket him and take him home! Like I nearly did to a mouse I found eating my mealworms thus afternoon!
Just like @rjb71 we also have one that is adorable but completely camera shy.
December 29th, 2016  
@rjb71 The one that lives in our garden is the same. Though he did pose happily for my wife (@carole_sandford) this morning for her pic for today on the 365project.
December 29th, 2016  
@gilbertwood Thank you Denise
December 29th, 2016  
@cottiac 😃😃
December 29th, 2016  
Really lovely!
December 29th, 2016  
Wonderful color and lighting.
December 30th, 2016  
December 30th, 2016  
December 30th, 2016  
He is gorgeous & so puffed up...
December 30th, 2016  
What a great shot!
December 30th, 2016  
Like the way he's bathed in light. Great opportunity!
December 30th, 2016  
@carole_sandford @milaniet @lynne5477 @dawnee @happysnaps @terrinorthwind @quietpurplehaze Thank you all. He is something wonderful. Next time I go there I shall be taking mealworms with me 😜
December 30th, 2016  
December 30th, 2016  
@elisasaeter Thank you
January 1st, 2017  
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