Pink Day by princessicajessica

Pink Day

From the time I was born, I was Doddy's Very Special Little Princess (My dad was Pennsylvannia Dutch and the pronunciation "Doddy" vs "Daddy" is a cultural/dialectal thing). My mother's favourite colour was blue, so until I was old enough to express preferences, I was very often dressed in blue... but as soon as they were able to discern things about what I actually liked, it was clear the pink was my favourite. At that time, I also became Her Royal Highness Jessica, The Princess of Pink. He had many princessy things he called me. I was hoping I would have a pink card on which he'd used the Princess of Pink nickname, because I'm sure that must have happened, but the only one I had close-by that used that name wasn't actually pink itself, so I went with this one instead.

He used to tell me, when I was little that I would always be his Very Special Little Princess, and sometimes he would go through different phases of life with it, stuff like: "You will always be my Very Special Little Princess. Even when you're all grown up, you will still be my Very Special Little Princess." and one of them was "...Even when I'm dead and gone, you will still be my Very Special Little Princess." I never overly liked it when he said that one, but in a way, now, it's nice to remember hearing those words from him.
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