just Jinks by quietpurplehaze

just Jinks

There was a huge storm here last night.

I had unexpected 'play time' in the early hours with Jinks who thought that his own special version of tennis was the way to be distracted from the storm.

Ray found the garage floor was flooded so had some sweeping to do and is busy sorting out and putting back this morning.

I took this shot a few days ago with my new lens and I'm glad I've found an opportunity to use it.
What a lovely doggie portrait!
July 19th, 2017  
A charming capture of Mr Jinks.:)
July 19th, 2017  
Terrific Jinks capture . We didn't get the storm it was in the distance though I didn't know Jinks could play tennis !
July 19th, 2017  
Jinks pushes the tennis ball under the coffee table with his paw; he barks at me to get it out; I get on the floor to get the ball - or something like that!
July 19th, 2017  
Great fun for Jinks not so good for you .
July 19th, 2017  
Nice portrait of Jinks. I would love to view him (and you)playing tennis ;-)
July 19th, 2017  

Best kept private I think Bep!!!
July 19th, 2017  
So cute.
July 19th, 2017  
Reminds me of a teddy I used to have, the eyes almost hidden by the fur! Lovely floppy thing, what a great dog!
July 19th, 2017  

It seems Jinks always looks as if he has only one eye!!
July 19th, 2017  
Lovely close up detail and not a hair out of place a great canine portrait Hazel:)
July 19th, 2017  
So cute! Hope you didn't get any more rain!
July 19th, 2017  
Poor soul, hope he's recovered. My dog has no fear of thunder or lightning, but hates the wind rustling the leaves in the trees.
July 19th, 2017  
Poor little Jinks. That was quite a storm.
July 19th, 2017  
Sweet shot of Jinks :)
July 19th, 2017  
Such a sweet shot of Jinks
July 19th, 2017  
way too cute haze
July 19th, 2017  
Cute shot- sorry to hear about your flooding!
July 20th, 2017  
Love the full frame! So cute.
July 20th, 2017  
So cute, I love your explanation to Wendy. Jinks has got you so well trained.
We used to have a cat who loved thunder storms. she would scrape on the door if there was a storm in the middle of the night, to be let out and she would sit on the mat watching the storm. When a tornado went through our area a few years ago, she was so excited.
July 21st, 2017  
Nice portrait, great dof.
July 21st, 2017  
What a cute pet portrait.
July 23rd, 2017  
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