decorative detail in the music room by quietpurplehaze

decorative detail in the music room

House for an Art Lover after the design by CRM

I found a website about the house. If it interests you, scroll down a bit to see a little video/have a virtual visit;
I love the symmetry. Thanks for posting the link, so interesting. Lots of photo opportunities here for you Hazel.
September 16th, 2017  
Nice capture and a lovely place to visit. Interesting link
September 16th, 2017  

Babs, it was really good in Edinburgh for photo ops - lots of them and all different!
September 16th, 2017  
A very interesting photo Hazel ! Nice capture too
September 16th, 2017  
What an interesting link thank you. This is beautifully symmetrical.
September 16th, 2017  
Great shot with a beautiful symmetry. Thanks for the link of this beautiful art house.
September 16th, 2017  
I love the symmetry of it, too.
September 17th, 2017  
Awesome picture.
September 17th, 2017  
Nice capture.
September 19th, 2017  
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