syringa by quietpurplehaze


I think I am over it now but for years the heady scent of syringa inspired a sort of mini panic in me.

I remember being presented with a sprig of it in a school exam and being told to describe its parts.

At first, my naive mind could only think I had never been asked this before. Luckily and in time I realised that I had to transfer the knowledge gained from a study of another plant to this one.

I wonder if you have any similar memories. For me the sense of smell is the most provocative.

This syringa bush lives in a far corner of our garden. It's tall and it's easy to create good bokeh when photographing it.
What a lovely memory you shared with us. And a beautiful image too.
June 18th, 2020  
Beautiful close up detail, and use of a shallow depth of field to show it off, interesting story Hazel, smells have the power to bring back so many memories:)
June 18th, 2020  
Lovely shot and memory!
June 18th, 2020  
What a shame that the exam experience spoiled these lovely flowers for you for so many years. I'm glad you are starting to enjoy them again. The bokeh is lovely.
June 18th, 2020  
Interesting story. It seems we always remember the things that caused a strong emotion. Beautiful photo, I like the focus.
June 18th, 2020  
Now I have always called this Philadelphus, is it the same plant? We also have one in the corner of our front garden & the smell is devine. Orange flower too I think I know it as....might be wrong as I’m no gardener.
Strange how our childhood memories colour our feelings & thoughts!
June 18th, 2020  
Wonderful focus
June 18th, 2020  
Lovely capture. Just wondering: is syringa a different name for jasmine?
June 18th, 2020  

Yes it is the same, Pat.
June 18th, 2020  

Not that I know of - would have to consult google but no mistaking the smell of syringa, Bep.
June 18th, 2020  
Great pov and dof.
June 18th, 2020  
you've got some nice bokeh here haze and an almost 3D pop
June 19th, 2020  
Lovely flower and bokeh- now I’ll need to find this beauty to smell the fragrance!
June 19th, 2020  

It’s very powerful!
June 19th, 2020  
I really like this shot, these flowers and their scent, they remind me of the trips in the countryside, on the cane of my dad's bicycle
June 22nd, 2020  

Happy to bring back memories for you!
June 22nd, 2020  
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