A small and belated September update for 2024, where I am still, after many years' membership, on 365 Project, also now posting elsewhere but wanting...
@tishpics I thougt maybe the bit of picmonkey adjust I did might have made it too yellow but looked at what my friend had written down for me which was indeed 'helleborus yellow'. So many of these flowers which grow low to the ground seem to hang their heads which makes photography difficult - other than lying on muddy, or frozen, grass of course!
@gerry Yes, Gerry, snow - everywhere was covered here when we woke up at 7.30 and it's been snowing ever since! Look forward to seeing your shots - but snow is so white I find (hehe) and hard to photograph!!
@quietpurplehaze very true Hazel i am sure on my D5100 there is a setting for Snow , i have several icons to set it on , i will have to get a night scene as by the time i finish work later on today it will be sunset , and offcourse i will take some daylight shots i hope our Snow started about 08:45 here in Surrey.
@quietpurplehaze I had a beautiful purple one but it just didn't survive, my green ones on the other hand go a little rampant so need to be culled or it's hellebore invasion.
@rosiekind @purplehaze12 @pyrrhula @mittens @sheilag @gerry