Get Pushed Challenge 244 - golden ratio (spiral)#1 by randystreat

Get Pushed Challenge 244 - golden ratio (spiral)#1

My get pushed partner (@lizhammond) challenged me to shoot using one (or more) of the following compositional techniques: the golden ratio, lead in lines or natural frames. My first challenge was to find out what the golden ration is. The next was to try and shoot in that aspect. And when that didn't work out, to crop photos that were close in that aspect.
@lizhammond This was a difficult challenge. The photos I have posted were cropped into the golden ratio as they weren't quite there in the original aspect. This was a difficult technique for me to understand and the explanations that I read on line were a little sketchy. I learned a lot, though and it was fun. Thank you.
April 2nd, 2017  
Not bad Kathy! I think you've done very well with it. Your interpretation is not a rigid in its composition, but I like the organic quality better.
April 2nd, 2017  
Its also a very photogenic cat.
April 2nd, 2017  
I think you've done very well with a difficult challenge - and what a great moggie portrait.
April 3rd, 2017  
@olivetreeann The eyes of the cat are in the coil of the [golden] spiral and its back swirls with the enlarging coil. Thank you for your comments.
@tunia I wish I was better at focusing. I had one of this cat with the most wicked look that would have been (IMO) a great shot, but not in focus. Thank you for your comment.
@vignouse Thank you for saying so. It was very difficult for me.
April 3rd, 2017  
A beautiful find and capture of the challence. Great B+W shot.
April 3rd, 2017  
@pyrrhula Thank you Pyrrhula. It was an awfully pretty cat.
April 4th, 2017  
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