This is a stretch of road on the way to the lake that’s actually safer at night because headlights provide some warning over the crest before there is a line-of-sight to an oncoming vehicle.
Later in the day there is more of a sense of going through a “tunnel” with the trees arching over the road. That aspect of the shot didn’t come through on the “sign-less” images, so I chose one of the shots with the sign and used the yellow theme. I know this post goes against what some of us consider “photography” [Grace], but I also wanted to see if I could do this. (But please don’t ask; I couldn’t duplicate it and I’m certain I didn’t achieve it in the most efficient manner! In any case, “layers” is the critical feature.)
Retired economics professor (“dismal scientist”). Married 40+ years to the love of my life; we have two grown daughters, both married, two granddaughters and a...