The co-pilot’s view by rhoing

The co-pilot’s view

Up at 2:45 a.m.
Backing out at 3:05 a.m.

I was a bit apprehensive about closing the door to Dad’s condo for the last time and driving away for the last time. I thought it might be an emotionally-charged moment.

But my brother & I finished our sorting, donations, packing and cleaning — including ourselves — at a reasonable time. We went to Conchy Joe’s for dinner and when we returned to the condo with nothing left to do, we decided to have lights-out at 9 p.m. and get on the road early. (“Stupid-o’clock” again, right Grace?)

In the end, I think it was wise. Stealing away in the dark and dead-of-night, without seeing any of Dad’s neighbors we’d met, turned out to be much easier, I suspect…

Fifteen hours and 1,014 miles (1,632 km) later, we arrived in Carbondale, where Clare had dinner basically ready to be put on the table. We switched drivers three times and the posted image was my passenger’s view for about 8 hours in Dad’s Chevy Impala…

One year ago (“Sunrise”):
Two years ago (“Enter if you dare…”):
I'm sure there were a lot of mixed emotions running around in your minds. I know what it was like when we were clenaing out Dad's place, cleaning up and painting it and then the big fianl moment when it was sold, forever gone from our grips. You can't help but be moved.
January 12th, 2013  
A lot of mixed emotions, I have been there in the last 2 months not once but twice. The view is beautiful, cherish!!
January 12th, 2013  
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