Pink Shrub by rosiekind

Pink Shrub

I don't know what this is but I thought it looked pretty when I was walking through Priory Country Park the other day. The rain has been endless today and it's freezing cold so I haven't taken any pics today. This is probably the first time since I have been doing 365 that I haven't taken a pic of something even if I haven't posted it. Oh well, I just hope the weather is better tomorrow
So pretty.
November 4th, 2012  
I'm not sure what it is either but it is very pretty. I took a similar shot on Friday
November 4th, 2012  
Rosie I think it's the same as this: - spindleberry and I found out on Gardeners' World a couple of days ago that it's a member of the euonymus family and is called euonymus europaea. It's the native version of all those garden ones and I think it's the prettiest.
November 4th, 2012  
I've only just discovered this bush this year - don't think I had ever seen it before, but this is a beautiful shot.
November 4th, 2012  
@amyjriker Thanks @kimcrisp Your pic is very nice too @quietpurplehaze Thanks for the info and the link
@busylady Thanks
November 4th, 2012  
I've taken a shotof this in Salcey Forest.Mine is more closed,like an unusually shaped berry.Hadn't seen it before,but it's very pretty!
November 4th, 2012  
Whatever it is, it sure is gorgeous.
November 4th, 2012  
Lovely flowers and composition.
November 5th, 2012  
It is very pretty. Nice composition.
November 5th, 2012  
gorgeous colours and detail!
November 5th, 2012  
November 5th, 2012  
It most definitely Spindle (Euonymus europaeus), a native hedgerow plant here in the UK. This year has been especially good for it, it seems, as there are far more berries in the hedgerows than I've seen for a few years.

The common name, Spindle, comes from its historical use as a wood that spindles for spinning were made from.
November 10th, 2012  
@ellyukrm Thanks for that information Lisa. It's great to learn so much and I think that through this project, I have learnt a lot about the things that I've liked but never known what they were. Glad you have such great knowledge
November 10th, 2012  
That's the fella!! (Or lady). A bit more open than ours. I bet I've seen it and ignored it in pre-365 days - easy to assume it's red berries from a distance.
November 22nd, 2012  
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