A long day at school as I've had a massive resources rationalisation!!! But feels good to have it sorted before our long w/e.
We went out for tea to our local place - the Redgarth - couldn't resist taking this with my phone.
Three good things
1. Looking forward to a nice meal out makes the day lighter
2. Found about 15 buds on my Camellia.....in hidden places where the frost and snow didn't penetrate.....what a joy!
3. Cosy indoors ....damp and chilly out.....and early to bed with my book. (Re-reading 'The Island' as I was a giver on World Book Night and chose this to share.) Somehow I don't think I'll get much read before my eyes close!
@happypat Hi Pat - it's RG in the froth (for Red garth) - hee hee! Yes the book is about the island and leprosy....kind of sad but very good read last time round.