Storm Babet  by sarah19

Storm Babet

I've captured this image off my phone as we are expecting a rather grim few days ahead. Just wanted to save it for the record..
We were expecting Jonathan and family to come for weekend but not sure now if that is possible..... it's a five hour drive. Oh well we will see how things go.
Three good things
1. Good sleep.... both of us are doing well and what a difference that makes.
2 Allan feeling much better
3. Big grocery shop for the weekend. It was like Christmas at Tesco, full car park ... everyone stocking up for the next few days.
Thinking of you today and tomorrow. My hubby is presently sailing in Scotland too 😱 Hope all remains well with you and yours. God bless xx
October 19th, 2023  
@casablanca oh thank you. Hope your hubby has a good sheltered space. It's usually the west coast that is battered by the weather and we are sheltered by the mountains. Oh well.....
October 19th, 2023  
@sarah19 They hit Force 9 yesterday for a time......he holed up in Rothesay but needs to get the boat and students back to Largs. Not as rough as on the east, but still not good conditions. Thanks and all the best xx
October 19th, 2023  
Yes, our little Co-op was just about empty last night when I popped down for some bits and pieces for last night's supper. Unbelievable. People in Ballater are understandably very nervous, yet again!
October 19th, 2023  
I've been thinking of you and a few other 365 ers, hopefully the forecasters have over estimated the size of the storm/rain. Stay safe and I hope you are both feeling a bit better now.
October 19th, 2023  
@jamibann @countrylassie
It's ok at the back of our house and I moved some pots closer to the window so more sheltered. Very strong winds in places, large trees down, and part of the town of Brechin currently being evacuated.... that's a good bit south of us but never heard of it happening before!!!!
October 19th, 2023  
Hope those mountains do their job and keep you sheltered. Stay safe.
October 19th, 2023  
They are safer at home but disappointing for you all.
October 19th, 2023  
I hope all is ok over there
October 20th, 2023  
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