Over to the north  by sarah19

Over to the north

If Neil was here we would have been walking around the edge of The Glebe to explore all the development and construction going on!!! There are going to be 35 houses altogether though not all visible from our garden!!!
It's quite noisy at times even from indoors but the rain doesn't seem to be holding things up too much!
Three good things
1. Attack on our study has begun!!!! Since COVID times when Allan was working from home his computer gear has taken over the room. But my piano is also in there and I really want to play it again πŸ™„
2. Still very wet so I started with my books and clutter moving it out into the hall....and before long I had a helper πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
3. Making good progress and even taking pictures off the wall. I can feel a trip to get some fresh paint will be happening soon.
How exciting……I love a good project like that….or used to!
New houses with you too…..thirty five I could Cole with but we have 348 planned for over the road here! Nothing started yet as who can afford to buy them just now! I think the builders have cold feet for now.
November 3rd, 2023  
@happypat oh.....348.... that's a whole new town's worth!!! Hope you can enjoy it as it is for years to come!!! We used to be on the edge of the town!!! School is bursting at the seams and having to rearrange classes at the end of term!!!
November 3rd, 2023  
A sign of the times unfortunately
November 4th, 2023  
it is a shame when this happens - we have had flats go up between us and the sea - where once a beautiful victorian home stood. But it soon becomes accepted as part of the view. Hopefully will not encroach too much. You have a beautiful garden and view.
November 4th, 2023  
That is so interesting.
November 4th, 2023  
Always disrupting when building work takes place close by. Hopefully the new buildings won't intrude too much on you. An interesting view over the site.

November 4th, 2023  
New projects! Always hard to get used to and how exciting, a new study. Just finished ours, it took 6 weeks of hard slog but well worth the hassle!!
November 4th, 2023  
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