2nd Hand Lego by seacreature

2nd Hand Lego

I never had anything like Lego as a child, and when I was watching my daughter and son in law building the castle, I got kind of hooked on the idea, so when this lego popped up at the top of my facebook marketplace from a little town on the West Coast on the way to Cape Town, I contacted the seller on an impulse. I had to drive into Cape Town today for the first of another round of BCG treatments (although that was the last thing I felt like doing after 2 days driving) so I decided to stop and buy it. The boy selling it assured me everything was there except for 2 hay bales, and I decided to take a chance and believe him. Perhaps foolishly? Time will tell when I try and build these tractors. Already I can see the rabbits are missing as well! But if it all works out it can go in the toy box I am building up for when Maddy comes to my house. Too tired to try any more now. The treatment takes it out of me, not to mention the 150km drive each way. So now it is off to bed.
most [all??] lego sets are missing a bit after the first go!
May 27th, 2024  
Hope you’re feeling better after a sleep x I picked some up from marketplace yesterday too - but half of it was fake!!
May 28th, 2024  
What a great idea and hopefully good buy. Hope you had a good night's sleep after your ordeal.
May 28th, 2024  
@anniesue I guess it is really taking a chance to buy 2nd hand lego? Fortunately the tractor sets were mostly complete - just missing the accessories such as the carrots and bunnies, but no critical parts for the tractor construction were missing. However the other one I bought from this lad was missing quite a lot. Very annoying as he assured me it was complete except for one or two lights
May 28th, 2024  
@narayani Feeling absolutely fine again after a good night's sleep, thank you. So disappointing for you that half the lego you bought on marketplace was fake.
May 28th, 2024  
@ludwigsdiana Thank you. I slept very well and feeling perfectly fine again today
May 28th, 2024  
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