Shopping... by seattle


The mannequins join the shoppers for day of fun in the Westlake shopping area. Mayhem prevails.
Mannequins escaped from Nordstroms!
haha,great shot!
August 18th, 2010  
Wonderful fun capture :)
August 18th, 2010  
That was a recurring nightmare of mine when I was a kid- still think it would make a pretty scary movie.
August 18th, 2010  
Very clever shot, I like your caption.
August 18th, 2010  
Like this shot.
August 18th, 2010  
Great idea for a photo.
August 18th, 2010  
I like this :)
August 18th, 2010  
It works! Love the mannequins and Westlake.
August 18th, 2010  
Great shop. I am jealous of the time you spend downtown - I love it down there and the numerous photo ops! Keep 'em coming
August 18th, 2010  
Your manequins should meet my manequin! Great shot!
August 18th, 2010  
Great composition. Even greater thinking of it.
August 18th, 2010  
This is a great shot, Constance. I was ohhhhhhhhing over your "orange shoes" shot earlier in the week. I don't know how I missed it the day you posted it. Just awesome. "Sex and the City"....Carry would say, "Hello Lover!!". lol
August 18th, 2010  
(: Love the reflections too!!
August 18th, 2010  
What a cool and fun photo :-))
August 18th, 2010  
What a cool reflection!! Great shot!
August 18th, 2010  
Given the way you photographed this and the clever caption, it's quite an image to consider! Glad you had some fun with that!

Thanks, too, for enjoying my photo journey here in Lunenburg. It's been my own record of the passage of the days, but I've enjoyed sharing it and getting such nice comments in return!
August 19th, 2010  
Great shot!
August 19th, 2010  
Very cool, Constance!
August 19th, 2010  
Very cool shot!
August 19th, 2010  
Excellent shot!
August 19th, 2010  
VERY well done!
August 20th, 2010  
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