This is my monthly view of the farm, taken from a different place on the same track. I normally walk through the field I'm in and into the field behind me along the track, but was with my daughter when I took this. The other shots are on the shanne-farm-view tag and there's a huge difference between the May farm shot and this one. The field is blue, all three fields are growing borage - whjch is bee friendly, and having looked it up, the seeds produce oil, like oil seed rape. It's horrible to walk through but so pretty.
Three good things from Wednesday:
1. My daughter got out twice, to the shops and then down to the local nature reserve, which is behind the hedge on the right and also out again before I went out to Guides.
2. Wander in the local nature reserve - I saw both the female and male dragonflies, and would have waited to get photos of them, but wasn't on my own;
3. Mad, mad session in Guides following an activity when they tried jumping as far as a goat, as high as a kangaroo, running as fast as a cheetah and out-staring a gecko
Thank you for looking and your amazing support for the Painted Lady butterfly. I am still catching up, slowly and will look at your pictures if you post below rather than thank you individually.