Before the year end tasks completely swallowed me up, Heather @sathi challenged me to "take a picture that blurs/distorts/softens the lines so even though your audience cannot see an identifiable shape/person/animal/object etc, they feel the emotion you are portraying through the color, movement and collection of shapes."
So dh and I traveled south this weekend to help my son switch from a propane water heater to an electric one, which meant I got an extra visit to the precious grandbabies, and while they were napping yesterday I noticed this particular object that my daughter-in-law put together, and it caught my eye and made me think of Heather's challenge. This is my second try, and I think I prefer this version.
I've spent about 3 weeks working too much and not having time for anything else. This weekend seems to be the first time I've relaxed and let my mind wander back to the things that relax and please it. Feels pretty good!
I love the pop of orange in this image and am so glad you enjoyed the challenge! My first emotion seeing the image was it looked like two figures at the top being pulled apart but still holding on so I though about togetherness...anyways, I loved what you did with this!