House Plants by stownsend

House Plants

I am having very mixed emotions. I live in the desert and in the summer the temps are usually 110-115 F and only cool to the mid 80's at night. Most everyone goes away. I am usually here but this year my son and family have invited me to visit in Wyoming - for the entire summer! It will take me 4 days driving but then I will be where the weather is better - for probably five months! And it is beautiful there. But - I have to leave all of my plants and all of my "stuff". I will be living in a home by myself in the country and can't wait for the views. I have found summer homes for my plants but I still worry about them. So, I am excited and a bit sad at the same time. Stay tuned as I might get back into taking pretty pictures again!
Sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you. The odds favor that your plants will be fine. I order you not to worry!
May 10th, 2023  
@allie912 Thank you. I will try to obey!
May 10th, 2023  
Very pretty!
May 11th, 2023  
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