High Surf Advisory by stray_shooter

High Surf Advisory

The weather service was broadcasting high surf warnings for the entire day, and as usual, instead of heeding the advisory as a warning, residents, including yours truly, flocked to the beach to surf, gaze, and of course to take pictures. Crashing waves and a sunset? Say no more, I'm there!
What timing! Lovin' the splash up against that rockin' sky. Maybe the weather guys should just say nothing if they want people to stay away from the danger...
January 10th, 2019  
that looks ominous yet deliriously awesome! aces, my friend. aces!
January 10th, 2019  
super capture of the splashes and sunset colors
January 10th, 2019  
Perfect timing with the bird flying by! Fabulous colours! What dramatic sunsets you get! There have been weather warnings here too down the North East coast - high tides and wind - huge waves crashing onto the promenades. Mad people with cameras living dangerously! What we do for a photo!
January 10th, 2019  
Great capture Ron.
January 10th, 2019  
And I'd be there too :) fav
January 10th, 2019  
Love this. Love the bird too.
January 10th, 2019  
I love the beach when its wild and crazy. I am drawn to it. Beautiful!
January 10th, 2019  
Great timing with the bird!
January 10th, 2019  
January 10th, 2019  
January 10th, 2019  
Simply stunning light, tones and silhouettes Ron, instant Fav:)
January 10th, 2019  
Gorgeous light! It gives a new freshness to this scene!!
January 10th, 2019  
This is beautiful and as long as you're not standing in an obviously dangerous spot, I say take as many pictures as you can!
January 11th, 2019  
@lyndemc Well, others, not the weather guys did announce one way to keep folks away. Just a half mile or so north of here I learned (as I was driving home from shooting this) that a large section of the beach was closed due to a discharge of raw sewage. That'll keep me away at least! Thanks for the response, Denise, and I hope you're having a ball in the Rockies.
January 11th, 2019  
@summerfield Aw, it doesn't get much better than aces! Thanks Vikki!
January 11th, 2019  
@lynnz Coming from the master of sunset colors, I take that as very high praise! Thanks, Lynn.
January 11th, 2019  
@pamknowler Thanks, Pam. I'm glad you stayed away and didn't subject Finlay and George to the danger of the weather.
January 11th, 2019  
@imnorman Thank you kindly, sir.
January 11th, 2019  
@gilbertwood Of course you would, Denise. I believe you are a permanent resident of the beach anyway, true?
January 11th, 2019  
Thanks Lou Ann. You can pretty much count on birds getting in the shots in this area. They seem to enjoy taunting the waves by sitting on the rocks and when a breaker comes crashing in, they scatter and then fly back down to the rocks again. They're either having fun or they're morons I've decided.
January 11th, 2019  
@jenp Thanks Jennifer. You and me......I guess pretty much any photographer finds scenes like these irresistible.
January 11th, 2019  
@domenicododaro Thank you sir. As I noted to Lou Ann, they're seemingly always flirting around our there when the waves are crashing.
January 11th, 2019  
@yorkshirekiwi Thanks Carole, I appreciate it!
January 11th, 2019  
@zahrasommers Thank you kindly, Zahra. Welcome to 365 and thank you for the follow. I hope you enjoy!
January 11th, 2019  
@pcoulson Thank you muchly, Peter. Hey, you know me and silhouettes - couldn't resist. Thanks for the fav too.
January 11th, 2019  
@dianen Thanks so much Diane. You're my inspiration in rocky coast scenes!
January 11th, 2019  
@olivetreeann Thanks Ann. Good to hear from you! It wasn't too dangerous, although the tide was rising and those of us down on the beach risked getting stranded. I left when the sun set, but some of the others remained. I hope they got out!
January 11th, 2019  
@stray_shooter Yes sure am - and the wilder the better :)
January 11th, 2019  
Wow! Love this!
January 11th, 2019  
Lovely shot. You captured the moment perfectly. Every element in it is just about perfect. The lighting. The sun position. The bird flying, but particularly the wave splash. Wonderful Fav
January 11th, 2019  
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