my get pushed partner this week is dh @dh and the challenge is for me to capture shadows.
partner and i went for our nightly summer walk after supper and i thought we'd passed by the side of one of the newer townhouses on the Danforth. i had shot these hydro metres before for the first eye of the beholder challenge, but that shot had snow on them. see i took a similar shot but then i noticed partner's shadow on the wall as well as the shadow of a light standard cutting across the metres. i was going to process it to make partner's belly bigger and rounder a-la-Hitchcock but i might not get my free dinner that he promised me this week so i didn't.
so this photo actually satisfies my get pushed challenge as well as the 'eye of the beholder' challenge #10.
wait, there's more! (that sounds like one of those shopping channel commercials.) since i had slightly etsooi'd it the colours and the contrast, i suppose it can qualify for the ETSOOI #11 which has 'light' as theme for this round. triple you say?
i am being quizzacious with meeting all these challenges with one shot so i suppose i'd tag this also for the mad minute word for today which is, ah, there you go, 'quizzacious' meaning mocking or satirical.
did i just hit a grand salami or what? :-) that brings me some kind of joy. perhaps.