did this fall on to my lap? no, he just walked into my frame.
went out at lunch in -8 weather with quite a strong wind. nothing interesting around this perimeter near the office, yet you have to learn to be creative with the ho-hum, you know. the plan was to walk down to the street where a lot of motorcycles are parked. i've seen yellows and reds and even pink motorcycles around there so surely there would be a blue. there's lots of blues around but i didn't want signs which are so obvious. i wanted something more random.
nearing the corner of yonge and wellington, i thought the flatiron mural made for a nice contrast between the two posts so i stopped walking and focused. lots of people walking. then just as i was about to press the shutter, boom! young lad wearing blue toque walked into my frame, and stopped right there in the middle. that is what i call random opportunity.
thank you for your kind visits and comments; they are greatly appreciated.
Picture will ever hit his awareness.
@olivetreeann - 'sthat a dare? :-) well, we still have 3 days left. thanks, ann!
@pandorasecho - i was quite far from the corner where he was, he had no idea! thank you, dixie.
@cheribug - thank you, my cheribug.
@claireuk - thank you, claire.