This is the Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church on Broadview Avenue. It sits atop the Don Valley and overlooks a beautiful park, the site of various community and sports activities in the summer and a popular tobogganing site in the winter due to the steep slope from the street. It is clearly visible from the Don Valley Parkway below.
Architecturally, Holy Eucharist Church is an outstanding example of tradition and contemporary church design. It is a landmark in the city of Toronto.
The design of Holy Eucharist Church is square in form. The four important columns that support the central dome divide the interior space into the form of a Greek Cross, with bars of equal length intersecting in the centre.
The church also gives the impression of being a ship on it’s journey (an ark of salvation). Not only is this evident from the exterior, but also within the church at silent prayer, one gets the feeling of being on a ship, which is gently swaying from side to side as it continues on it’s way to the kingdom of God.
In accordance with tradition, Holy Eucharist Church is oriented so that the altar is facing east and sunrise.
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my get pushed partner this week, Shannon
@sjoblues has challenged me to "photograph religious architecture".
i had always wanted to photograph this church but never had a chance. even when i go to the football field to take a photo of the sunset and the downtown skyline, this church would be right behind across the street. but it is so imposing that an upward shot would not do justice to its shape. another disadvantage is that broadview avenue is a busy artery of the city and street cars ply their route on the avenue. then i discovered that if stand below on the football field i can see the whole structure which includes the belfry.
i would've loved to have shot this at sundown or with clear skies, but didn't have a chance during those conditions. today it was cloudy in toronto but the sun had managed to filter through the heavy clouds.
I took this from the football field below, in soggy grounds as the field had been in ice and snow since before the winter started. i went around a long ways to avoid the steep incline but foolishly traversed it going back to the street to get to the next streetcar. 'tis a good thing i had my tripod which i used as support else i would have just rolled back and fell into the mud.
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