shot from last thursday's lunchtime sojourn around the st. lawrence market's neighbourhood. inspired by one of colton allen's urban exploration shots. colton allen as you know is the featured artist for the current artist challenge.
colton allen's urban exploration photos are peculiarly of places that are devoid of human elements, which i thought would be difficult to accomplish around downtown toronto, considering it is downtown toronto and there are always people everywhere. guess what, i have quite a few shots and even when there were people about i still managed to get this and other shots without or the least number of humans.
too damn cold today with nasty gusty winds to boot so going about photoing was rather out of the question. it was a shock when i came out this morning even though it was to be expected, what it being end of october, for crying out loud! but i didn't want to tempt fate too much with me getting wet in the rain during the weekend.
thank you for your kind visits and comments, as well as your very generous favs; know that they are greatly appreciated.
You do such wonderful research about so many projects! I need to look for this artist to see what it was that lent to this inspiration! Terrific! We're certainly drawn down the path!
Not familiar with his style, but seeing several members shooting photos in the style of Colton Allen. I like the long walls and the building with all the windows at the end of the alley.