one of the challenges for the canon 30-day photography challenge is "close up of eyes". i dilly-dallied with this prompt in the hope that i could find someone with gorgeous eyes, blue preferably, but the lovely people are either not in the mood or skittish about being photographed or just plain not available. i could've photographed janet's eyes but i didn't bring my macro filter yesterday so that chance got foiled. now as i am running out of time, i took matters drastically and thus you get an old woman's eyes. tee-hee!
i thought i'd have a hard time focusing as i'm half blind and the lens i'm using on my old canon has no auto-focus. in the end it turned out just fine, although i suppose i could've at least plucked my eyebrows or made an effort to wear some makeup. but then, that's what the airbrush in ribbet is for.
Love that song and as soon as I read the photo title my brain was hearing it! And for the record, you DID "find someone with gorgeous eyes!!!" This is just a lovely photo highlighting a lovely woman's eyes! And maybe they are "blue?"