photobombed? by summerfield


i was trying to take a photo of this mural along the hiking/biking lane at the harbourfront this morning when this jogger showed out of nowhere! and he had the audacity to frown when he realized i had a camera in my hand. i must admit it gave the half and half shot more character with him there. but his sudden presence made me move my camera so that one of the fishes got cut off.

i was ready to go for my morning walk at just a little bit past 6:30 when i made a snap decision to bring a proper camera and take the bus downtown while it was still early, and it being a holiday monday, i took it there won't be a lot of people yet down at the waterfront. i figured i could be back home by 10:30. and that's exactly what i did. this was one of the first few shots i took.
Excellent shot! He has no right to look angry at you. After all, he is the one that ruined your shot! FAV
May 21st, 2024  
Great half and half!
May 21st, 2024  
Nice half and half. He shouldn't look annoyed!
May 21st, 2024  
Such a fabulous half and half!
May 21st, 2024  
Perfect timing by him
May 21st, 2024  
Really good half and half.
May 21st, 2024  
What great timing. Maybe he has a stalker or a big ego.
May 21st, 2024  
Great H&H.
May 21st, 2024  
That made me laugh, his frown! Brilliant timing
May 21st, 2024  
super half and half!
May 21st, 2024  
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