The locals would have differing opinions on which street is considered to be the main street in Ottawa. I think this building, at the corner of Bank and Wellington is on two of the top contenders. This is just west of the group of buildings which constitute Parliament Hill and has similar architecture and building materials. If you're interested in seeing an overview of the grounds, you will see this building in the very upper left hand corner, partially cut off.
Many thanks for dropping by.
ps Barry says the crane is there to fix the sloping walls. He's very helpful. He did stop at the stop light tho, so I didn't have to take this pic from a moving vehicle!
@karenann, @steeler@michaelelliott , thanks folks! Here's a copy/paste from the parliament site about the roofs: "The copper roofs of Canada's Parliament buildings with their distinctive green patina have become national symbols unto themselves. .... New copper roofs quickly lose their shine and turn a brown colour. Within 20 or so years, they will acquire the green hue that comes from chemical oxidation."
I just love the architecture that is in Ottawa. One of these days we will take a trip out there. As I think that it really is a place that all Canadians should have a chance to see
@carmichaelbev Thanks Bev! Although explorers came much earlier, ti was the 1820's when Ottawa's first permanent European settlers arrived, 1857 Ottawa chosen as capital, 1860 for first stone laid for current parliament buildings, then reconstruction, etc over the years as a result of a fire [1916] and upgrading.
You could def get a load of shots from this one place!!!