There's a seat at the back of the house in a corner, in the shade. It's a great place to sit and watch/photograph the birds. I had to be very patient to get this shot though.
such a clear shot of this beautiful bird. I had never even heard a woodpecker till I visited Scotland a few years ago. I was very excited when I found out yes, it really was a woodpecker. I love your albums Sue and will be following you from Australia;. I have been very slack in posting lately as we are having renovations done to our house but your photos have inspired me to just get out there and snap something!
@gardencat Thank you Joanne. We're lucky to have them in the garden. They come to the nut feeders and it's quite easy to get photos there but then they fly on to trees and that's what makes the best pictures. That takes patience.
@carole_sandford Thank you Carole. If you've got nut feeders then they'll eventually start coming more often. They'll tell their friends :)
@happypat Thank you Pat. That part of the garden is woodland and at the moment there aren't any leaves on the trees so the light is coming through.
@gijsje Thank you bep.
@gardencat Thank you Joanne. We're lucky to have them in the garden. They come to the nut feeders and it's quite easy to get photos there but then they fly on to trees and that's what makes the best pictures. That takes patience.
@carole_sandford Thank you Carole. If you've got nut feeders then they'll eventually start coming more often. They'll tell their friends :)
@koalagardens @gilbertwood @onewing @pennyrae Thank you, very much.