Well, that was the assignment for 3D anyways, and when thinking about body, identity, value and creativity this is what I'd come up with, a uterus scrapbook.
There were a few things to explore, like the value of "high art" vs "low art" (or women's crafts), stay at home mom vs career woman, tied in with the simple fact that when I have an idea for something, or am feeling particularly creative I'll get excited and exclaim that I'm pregnant with ideas.
We had to wear this in class, so mine was a belt. I'm happy to report that not only did I get an A but twice now the teacher has talked about being able to see my work as large installations in museums. Which is super nice, but wow that would be a lot of work! (Plus I'm not sure I'm a 3D type artist, but the idea is still sort of cool.) Although, maybe it would be fun to allow people to write their own words on the chalkboards, what they struggle with in their identity or self value. I don't know. We'll see where all this goes.
Generally though, classes are going really well and I'm finding that two studio classes per semester is truly about all I could handle, so I'm glad I didn't petition to do more.
Sorry for the lateness... these were all taken on the 12th, the collage was put together today to prepare for portfolio review this fall.