There was once an ass whose master had made him carry sacks to the mill for many a long year, but whose strength began at last to fail, so that each day as it came found him less capable of work. Then his master began to think of turning him out, but the ass, guessing that something was in the wind that boded him no good, ran away, taking the road to Bremen; for there he thought he might get an engagement as town musician. When he had gone a little way he found a hound lying by the side of the road panting, as if he had run a long way. "Now, Holdfast, what are you so out of breath about?" said the ass. "Oh dear!" said the dog, "now I am old, I get weaker every day, and can do no good in the hunt, so, as my master was going to have me killed, I have made my escape; but now, how am I to gain a living?" - "I will tell you what," said the ass, "I am going to Bremen to become town musician. You may as well go with me, and take up music too. I can play the lute, and you can beat the drum."
Comments and suggestions are much appreciated!
Here are my get pushed-challenges
Update 05/2019: Year 3 begins! I'm living in Bremerhaven near the North Sea since October...
Those town musicians are a must on a visit to Bremen, but difficult to capture without someone standing in the way! I guess you are able to choose your moments well. I love the colours you have captured in the ass. I never noticed those before. And interesting to have the headlong view too.
@helenhall How come I didn't reply? Anyway, I was lucky. I did this picture just before a group of very rude people entered the scene and even walked into a picture a father was taking of his daughter. Of course it's always crowded. :)
@ninarleyva thank you!