Paimpont Abbey - Nave by vignouse

Paimpont Abbey - Nave

Like many churches of the same era in Brittany, the ceiling of the nave of Paimpont Abbey is effectively an upturned boat... mainly because the only artisans capable of constructing such a large wooden structure, were the boatbuilders. The woodwork you see here is 800 years old and it is a tribute to those artisans that the roof remains in good condition with very few repairs being needed through the years.

I took this photograph through a small doorway accessible only from the roofspace above the transept - the cross beams are 18 metres above the ground.
I couldn't quite work out at first at what angle this shot was taken from. For some reason I thought it was a view looking up, but after reading you text it became obvious. It's very interesting about the boat builders constructing these roofs and how old they are. I like the detail, the rustic textures and the workmanship you've captured here. Good one.
May 2nd, 2014  
You so lucky to be living in an area that has so much history to it!
Great capture.
May 2nd, 2014  
I feel I am going to see Paimpont Abbey from every conceivable view and feel I have actually visited it. Such a lovely place. Offers you such wonderful opportunities.
May 2nd, 2014  
Interesting history lesson. Thanks for sharing.
May 2nd, 2014  
@joansmor Not nearly Joan: I'm currently completing a series of 70 or so photos which will illustrate a series of display panels describing the Abbey's history. These are intended to help our 40,000 summer visitors to better appreciate the Abbey they are visiting.
May 2nd, 2014  
Love the photo and the detail. The information included is really interesting.
May 2nd, 2014  
Fantastic shot, so detailed and the colouring of the beams are superb.
May 2nd, 2014  
@vignouse I bet that is going to be lovely. You do the place a great honor.
May 2nd, 2014  
Excellent lines and curves and ceiling textures. Nice that you climbed up to look at it and take the nice shot.
May 2nd, 2014  
nice shot!
May 2nd, 2014  
Really nice lines and POV. And it does look like an upturned boat… very unique!
May 2nd, 2014  
This photo and your description encourage more than just a quick look. The workmanship and detail is fantastic. The photo captures it beautifully. Thank you for sharing!
May 2nd, 2014  
Wow. Impressive! Both the architecture and your shot.
May 2nd, 2014  
This is wonderful! SO worth viewing large.
May 2nd, 2014  
Nice detail,
May 2nd, 2014  
Instant fav Richard, I love the perspective you have on this and the patterns. You should tag it for the patterns and textures months (pat-tex)
May 2nd, 2014  
Fabulous shot and interesting narrative!
May 2nd, 2014  
great pov Richard
May 2nd, 2014  
@dibzgreasley Thanks for the Fav Debs - it's now tagged pat-tex.
May 2nd, 2014  
I love thisl thank you so much for this photo and information fav
May 2nd, 2014  
Fabulous. Thank you for the very explanation as well.....just adds to an already very interesting photograph.
May 2nd, 2014  
Wonderful shot of these roof timbers. Thank you for the information. The craftsmen certainly knew how to construct things to last.
May 2nd, 2014  
This is just wonderful, seeing your pictures of Brittany always make me quite nostalgic (in a good way) as it reminds me of the beautiful places back 'home'.
May 2nd, 2014  
Great curves and shapes - and fantastic that you are taking so many detailed photos for people to enjoy.
May 2nd, 2014  
Gorgeous ceiling. Really wonderful style. Your capture is fantastic.
May 2nd, 2014  
This is superb, what a structure!
May 3rd, 2014  
Such a well captured work of art, Richard! Thank you for the background, too. Fav for me
May 3rd, 2014  
lovely lines!
May 6th, 2014  
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