...I've gone all mysterious and existential for today's post!
BoB I guess...
Footnote: there has been a lot of speculation as to how I did this, so I guess some words of explanation will be welcome. Apart from a slight crop, a contrast increase and some colour balance adjustment this is essentially as it was composed in camera... no Photoshop trickery involved.
What you’re looking at is a shadow on a white wall. The head is the shadow of a hollow glass full-size head which I back lit with a LED flashlight; the opacity of the glass has reduced the light transmission sufficiently to cast a shadow which I darkened with a contrast increase. The 'splashes' of light - the emanations - were formed by the light refracting through the irregular glass surfaces.
This head has undergone significant change since your original shot...and equally your ability, conscientiousness and your willingness to guide/assist others. Well done you!