Since February 2014 - my second month on 365 - when the theme for the month was B&W February, I have got more and more comfortable with B&W to the point that it is now my preferred medium. I normally have a clear idea at the point of pressing the shutter button if the resulting image will suit B&W or would be better in colour. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I'm more likely to press the shutter button when I see something that whispers (or shouts) B&W to me. I was certain that this would be a B&W image... but, to my surprise, I prefer the colour version and it is my 365 post today. Art clearly refuses to be bound by preconceived notions!
Prefer the colour version. This version doesn't give me the itch to touch and stroke the wood, the stone, the leaves. Interesting that this B&W shot doesn't draw me in like the colour version.