PLAY January - Nikon 50mm f/1.4G: Don't go...upstairs!
This is for the 'fiveplustwo-night' selfie challenge.
It is also for my PLAY project - you can read more about it in my profile - where I'll be using a different prime lens for each month of the year: in January it's the Nikon 50mm f/1.4G on a full-frame camera (the D610 today).
Holy @#$@%#! I looked at this a few minutes ago and completely missed the human element (maybe didn't scroll up far enough to see the top 1/3. Yikes! When did you turn to the dark side? So unlike what I expect to see in your album. Ditto what he-who-must-not-be-named @graemestevens said.
The view on black brings out the eerie. It's as if that head has no body! And it's hard to tell if we're looking up or down the stairs. Good job creating "creepy". (Got a laugh out of your tag line about GS)