PLAY January - Nikon 50mm f/1.4G: Revenant by vignouse

PLAY January - Nikon 50mm f/1.4G: Revenant

This is a view of part of 'l'étang bleu' - the blue pond - which has featured in my project before. Today it's the main reservoir for Paimpont but formerly it was an open-cast iron mine. This building was the ore crushing and washing facility and is normally flooded up to window level and the part which is not flooded is hidden by vegetation. I've called this image 'Revenant' - French for someone who has returned after an absence. You can see a view of the interior in my 365 album post for today.

This is for my PLAY project - you can read more about it in my profile - where I'll be using a different prime lens for each month of the year: in January it's the Nikon 50mm f/1.4G on a full-frame camera (the D610 today).

Fewer distractions when viewed on black...
Love the light and moss on the tree limb leading one's eye to the almost hidden remains of the building as it blends in with the grasses
January 28th, 2017  
Nature wins again! Reassuring, I feel. Love the juxtaposition.
January 28th, 2017  
Oh my! This positively glows!
January 28th, 2017  
@yrhenwr It's interesting you should say that David, because approaching this building is like being in a mangrove swamp. It has been invaded inside and out by trees mostly growing horizontally, their limbs blackened with normally being submerged. The stumps have grown thick tufts of 'aerial roots', presumably to take in sustenance from the water as their normal roots are embedded in rock and concrete. It's hard to do them justice in a photo but I'm going to revisit with a wide-angle lens to see if I can better capture the chaos.
January 28th, 2017  
Wow -- almost missed the building; it is indeed being slowly reclaimed. Very nice.
January 28th, 2017  
A beautifully composed shot - I love the way that nature is slowly swllowing the building.

January 28th, 2017  
A great old ruin disappearing into the forest.
January 31st, 2017  
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