Moving Day by zilli

Moving Day

Quebec, Canada, has this tradition called Moving Day, on July 1, where a huge number of people move to a new residence, since the majority of rental leases begin that day across the province. More about this here:
That is different. I have never heard of a community tradition like that before. Interesting what one learns here. Interesting capture of the street finds before a move.
June 30th, 2024  
Interesting history.
June 30th, 2024  
Neat capture and interesting narrative
June 30th, 2024  
I can only echo what Debbie wrote, something very new to me too.
June 30th, 2024  
Nice depth of field
June 30th, 2024  
Must be difficult to get a removalist!
June 30th, 2024  
love this zilli
June 30th, 2024  
Great shot👍😊
July 1st, 2024  
Great photo…
July 1st, 2024  
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