• February 2024

1st Feb 2024 - Bed
2nd Feb 2024 - Snowdrops
3rd Feb 2024 - Greeted by Fara
4th Feb 2024 - The road ahead
5th Feb 2024 - The allotment in February
6th Feb 2024 - February's book
7th Feb 2024 - Early start
8th Feb 2024 - Driving home in the rain
9th Feb 2024 - Friday night treat
10th Feb 2024 - All set with her girl guiding International outfit for México
11th Feb 2024 - Quail eggs
12th Feb 2024 - Day out at Slimbridge
13th Feb 2024 - It's Tuesday, so it must be camera club
14th Feb 2024 - Light night Worcester
15th Feb 2024 - The last thing I see before I go to sleep
16th Feb 2024 - Tash meets Tabby
17th Feb 2024 - Quail egg flat lay
18th Feb 2024 - Afternoon shadows
19th Feb 2024 - Tonight's sunset
20th Feb 2024 - Domestic bliss, or another day I almost forgot to take a picture
21st Feb 2024 - Another sunset heading home from work
22nd Feb 2024 - A rainbow after the hail
23rd Feb 2024 - Apple cake
24th Feb 2024 - Tonight's dinner
25th Feb 2024 - Afternoon walk
26th Feb 2024 - Tonight's reading
27th Feb 2024 - Market bag
28th Feb 2024 - Birthday
29th Feb 2024 - Happy birthday to me