• February 2014

1st Feb 2014 - Alpine plants
2nd Feb 2014 - Snowdrops along the banks of the  Tavistock Canal
3rd Feb 2014 - It rained all day - soakaway can't cope!
4th Feb 2014 - Snow on Dartmoor
5th Feb 2014 - Working on a new membership form for MWM
6th Feb 2014 - First experience of reflexology
7th Feb 2014 - Tulips
8th Feb 2014 - Surprise in the pond.
9th Feb 2014 - Our Valentine meal out today!
10th Feb 2014 - Natalie
11th Feb 2014 - The bell to summons my carer!
12th Feb 2014 - In bed today so no photo taken.
13th Feb 2014 - River Tavy  in full flow
14th Feb 2014 - River Tavy after storms
15th Feb 2014 - Lego is always the first toy  they get out!
16th Feb 2014 - Where the Tavy meets the Walkham
17th Feb 2014 - We made Orange bird feeders
18th Feb 2014 - Andy Natalie and Madeleine
19th Feb 2014 - Helping with a jigsaw
20th Feb 2014 - A visit to this young man who is nearly 90 now!
21st Feb 2014 - Time for a shower
22nd Feb 2014 - Harry Mike and myself - lunch at St Leonards Hotel near Ringwood!
23rd Feb 2014 - Cauliflower seeds planted in paper pots Harry and Honey made.
24th Feb 2014 -  A great tit was seen feeding from the feeder Honey made.
25th Feb 2014 - A new toy!
26th Feb 2014 - A new tub for the daffodils!
27th Feb 2014 - All pieces of end covering back up in place!
28th Feb 2014 - White Camelia  beat the red ones this year!