Baby's First Protest by kannafoot

Baby's First Protest

Despite a cold rain, about 1000 people turned out at the Rhode Island State House for the Ocean State's version of today's nationwide "March Against Monsanto." The focus of today's protest march was the prevalence and lack of regulation of genetically modified foods. Monsanto was the primary target, although they are neither the first nor the only large corporation engaging in the practice. As of 2013, 85% of the corn grown in the US is genetically modified. 95% of the US soybean crop and 88% of the cotton produced stateside are also genetically modified. As of 2011, the US topped the world-wide list of countries producing GM crops. There is currently no federal regulation in the US that would require genetically modified foods to be labeled as such, thus producing strong anti-Monsanto sentiment that crosses broad political lines.

Post processing started with a brilliant cold filter in Topaz Adjust. I then adjusted adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
Nice. I was at the Boston one today.
May 26th, 2013  
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