Crosswords by kannafoot


Something street photography brings is a strong appreciation for the different methods people use to relax, and an even deeper appreciation for the places people will go in pursuit of their relaxation. This has to be one of the oddest places I could think of, though. I went to the State House in Providence to see if there was anything interesting going on - candidly hoping to find a protest or demonstration on the lawn - but instead found a handful of tourists and this woman sitting in the shade doing a crossword puzzle. She's sitting in the shade on the lawn of the State House directly across from the Providence Place Mall, but is clearly relaxed and enjoying her puzzle. She never even gave me a second look as I knelt a few feet away from her snapping close to two dozen photos.

Today's weather is a bit of a worst case scenario for street photographers. There were only a few scattered clouds, so the streets and buildings were brilliantly illuminated. It's over 90 degrees, though, so people are heading for shade. That contrast - bright buildings in the background, and shaded people in the foreground - makes for extremely difficult photography. Give me an overcast day anytime!

Post processing started with a low contrast filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, and boost black. In PSE I added a 7% dodge to her pants, face, book, and hands, then added a levels adjustment just to the woman and the book. I then applied a levels adjustment to everything else, exclusive of the woman and her book. A sepia photo filter tops it off.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
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