Famous People by mozette

Famous People

We've all met some famous people in our lives - sure you have!

For me, I've met the great writer - Wilbur Smith - and a basketball player - Andrew Gaze.

Wilbur insists that we're good friends, simply because I never take no for answer and I'm a narrow-minded b**** of a writer. He loved that about me.

Andrew Gaze? Well, I saw him go in Hungry Jacks in the city once and nobody approached him... they all just gawked. I walked right up to him and asked for a couple of autographs - after he ordered his meal of course! Then asked if he could do me a little favour.
I was in the city with a friend of mine, Vicki, who was deathly shy, would he be able to say hi to her. She was having a rotten day and it would really brighten it up. You see, Vicki was in a wheelchair and horribly shy of anyone. He said sure! he signed my autographs for me, I thanked him and left.
He and his colleague walked out, spotted me with Vicki and he walked up to her and said hi to her.. she didn't know what to do, all he said was, 'Hey, you must be Vicki!' and she looked like a goldfish gulping at him. It was funny for a few moments, until I nudged her to say something.

Andrew talked to Vicki for a few minutes and she was amazed at how I got him to do that. We were in the city to meet up with a blind date (which turned out to be really horrible) and so I reminded her that it wasn't a complete loss, she got to meet a cool basketball player - Andrew Gaze.
Well that just made her day didn't it?
May 26th, 2015  
@digitalrn It most definitely did. The sad side of this story is that Vicki has passed away since. She had Spina Bifita and left it too late to get the rods in her back replaced - she was 30 instead of 23, and they had fused with her body.
The operation had left her completely paralysed and she caught pneumonia while recovering in ICU. She asked for me a number of times (something her mother didn't follow through with but her father tried to on a number of occasions - as I received quite a few strange phone calls and hang-ups where I didn't know who it was) and I wasn't told of her passing until after her service... and even then, her mother never told me where she was buried.

My Aunt and Uncle attended her service (as their family knew hers) and Vicki's mother talked down about me to my Uncle Reg and Aunt Lucille as well as my cousins Joanne, Adam and Michael... Uncle Reg told off Vicki's mother and my cousins were speechless and just walk off. Mum found this out for me. It's horrible but true. :(
May 27th, 2015  
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